We Explore Technology
Exploring Bit is dedicated to provide knowledge about computer science and technology to the people in such a method that everyone can understand how fascinating technology can be.
ExploringBits is one of the top guides for Discord Tutorials, Online Tool Site Review and Programming. ExploringBits was created more than two years ago, in September 2020, the site’s 500+ in depth articles have been read over 3 million times. More than 200k people read our article every month.
Our readers love ExploringBits because of its unique voice. We’re the people you turn to when you want to find some solution with online tools, or you want to understand the latest discord bot or solve some HackerRank Problem. We explain it all in simple, approachable terms. When providing instructions, we use a copious amount of screenshots that make technical processes easy to follow. ExploringBits is for Everyone.
Based in India, ExploringBits is an independent company that remains wholly owned by its founder, Aayush Kumar Gupta. Unlike many other websites, ExploringBits was built without any outside investment or corporate ownership. It remains an independent organization today.
Editorial Guidelines and Ethics
We strive to write the most accurate, useful articles we can. Our team brings in-depth research, and hands-on experience to everything we write. We test every piece of software we recommend and fact-check everything before it’s published. If an article has become outdated or has another issue, please contact us at [email protected], and we will fix it.
ExploringBits is still wholly owned and run by its founder, Aayush Kumar Gupta.
Aayush Kumar Gupta
Aayush Kumar Gupta is the founder of ExploringBits. He’s been running the show since creating the site back in 2020. Over the two years, Aayush has personally written more than 200 articles, which have been viewed by over 1 million people.
These days, he is focused on his role running the business side of ExploringBits.
Along with ExploringBits, Aayush was completing his Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering) from 2018-2022. From July 2022, Aayush has been working as a full-time Devops Engineer at Insight. Read Full Bio.
Content Creator
Ankush Thakur
Ankush Thakur is a member of the core writing team at Exploringbits.com. Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Application (BCA), and over four years of experience in writing.
Ankush is passionate about staying updated with latest tech updates. His role at Exploringbits involves contributing as a technical content writer, where he combines academic knowledge with a keen interest in the latest advancements to provide insightful content to readers.
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