How To Use Uzox Bot Discord [Uzox Bot Commands Discord]

Discord is a premier messaging and streaming platform that has millions of users and boasts numerous remarkable features. The Uzox Discord bot offers many functions that enhance user experience. Regarding Discord music bots, Uzox ranks among the outstanding, catering to diverse user requirements. Explore how Uzox elevates your Discord experience with its exceptional offerings.

This guide’ll delve into the Uzox Discord bot, providing insights into its setup, usage, and a comprehensive list of essential commands for using it. So let’s get started.


What Is The Uzox Discord Bot

The Uzox Discord bot is versatile for Discord, offering features like music, moderation, and memes. It particularly excels in providing high-quality music for its users. With its presence on over 140,000 servers globally, Uzox enhances the Discord experience. 

Discord’s impressive platform, combining messaging and streaming, remains a top choice. This Bot exemplifies the growing trend of exceptional bots like Uzox, improving user functions. Specifically designed for music, Uzox thrives among Discord’s music bots, catering to diverse needs effectively.


What Are The Features Of The Uzox Discord Bot?

The Uzox Discord bot offers a seamless audio experience, ensuring smooth playback of your favorite tunes without disruptions. Notably, all the features provided by the Uzox bot come at no cost, making it an accessible choice for all users. 

There are numerous features of the Uzox Discord bot, as follows: 

  • The Bot’s constant online presence allows you to enjoy its capabilities around the clock, catering to your entertainment needs whenever you desire.
  • Enhancing your music experience, Uzox offers music filters that aid in sorting and locating specific tracks. 
  • Additionally, the Bot supports playback from various platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and SoundCloud, granting you flexibility in selecting your preferred source.
  • The Uzox Discord bot stands out with its customization options, allowing users to tailor settings according to their preferences. 
  • It can be easily found on platforms like Discord Bot List, Discord Bots, and GitHub, where its open-source repository is available. 
  • Moreover, the Bot extends its functionality beyond entertainment, incorporating kick and ban commands for moderation.


How To Setup Uzox Discord Bot

If you want to use the Uzox Discord bot, you must first add the Uzox music bot to your Discord server. So here we have mentioned the step-by-step instructions to set up the Uzox Discord bot: 

Step 1: Begin by visiting the official Uzox Bot website at 

Step 2: Once there, select “Invite” in the top right corner. 

Step 3: Pick a server to add the Bot to, then proceed by clicking “Continue.”

Step 4: Then, subsequently, click on the “Authorize.” Following these steps, human verification might be necessary. 

Step 5: After completing this step, you’ll be redirected to your server, accompanied by the Uzox Discord bot. 

That’s all! This process ensures a seamless setup of the Uzox bot on your Discord server.


Steps On How To Use Uzox Discord Bot

You can use Uzox Discord Bot to listen to a song. You need to know its commands Properly to utilize it without any interruptions and hassle. Follow the instructions given below: 

Step 1: Once you successfully set up the Uzox Discord Bot, follow the next steps to utilize it.

Step 2: To use the Uzox Discord Bot for playing songs, employ the “play” command and input the song’s name or link. 

Step 3: Once you play the song, you can also increase the volume, pause it, and resume it with the help of the Bot’s control commands.

Step 4: Depending on the Bot, you can customize settings and features by setting commands. 

Step 5: Each Bot usually has a set of commands you can use. If You want to use the Uzox Discord Bot effectively, then you need to be familiar with all its commands first. 

Check the Bot’s commands on the list given in the next section to see what it can do. Below are the commands to operate the Bot and enjoy uninterrupted music playback.


All Commands To Use Uzox Discord Bot

The Uzox Discord bot offers a user-friendly command set that enhances your music experience with various customization options. The Bot provides a comprehensive range of music commands, from fundamental actions like play and pause to premium features such as adding favorite tracks. 

The best aspect is that all these functionalities are available at no cost. So let’s know about all its commands to ease the utilization of the Uzox music bot:

Categories Of Uzox Discord Bot Commands:

Track Control Commands: These commands are used to manage the currently playing track on the server.

Favorites Commands: Use these commands to save specific games as favorites in your personal list.

Bot Settings: Utilize these commands to customize the bot’s settings for the current server.

Queue Control Commands: These commands provide control over the server’s queue of tracks.

Fun Commands: Enjoy a variety of commands designed for your entertainment.

Saved Queues Commands: These commands enable you to save entire server queues under unique names.

Moderation Commands: Assist moderators in managing the server with these commands.


Here explained All Uzox music bot commands which helps you to Use it without any hassle:

Music Control Commands

Here are the commands for controlling music with the Uzox Discord Bot:

Play: Use this command to play a song or playlist. Provide the song name or link from platforms like Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud, Twitch (Live), and more.

Skip: Skip the current playing sound or add a skip vote when DJ mode is enabled.

Stop: Clear the queue and disconnect the bot from the voice channel.

Pause: Pause the current song.

Resume: Resume a paused song.

Bassboost: Enhance the bass of your song.

Volume: Check the current volume or set it between 1 and 100.

Search: Look up tracks on YouTube using a given name.

Nowplaying: Display the currently playing track.

Playmood: Play songs based on your mood.

Lyrics: View lyrics for the current track or a specific one (works for popular songs).

Playnext: Play the specified track next.

Seek: Move to a given timestamp in the track.

Forward: Skip forward by a certain duration of time.


Favorites Commands

Discover the functionalities of the Favorites feature in the Uzox Bot:

Fav add: Append a mentioned name to your list of favorites.

Fav list: See the complete list of your favorite names.

Fav remove: Eliminate a name from your favorites list.

Fav delete: Erase your entire favorites list (cannot be recovered).

Fav play: Play tracks within a designated range.


Settings Commands

Here are the settings commands:

Playlistlimit: Adjusts the playlist limit for the server, with a default value of 100.

Setprefix: Changes the bot’s prefix specifically for the server.

Setdj: Enables the DJ role requirement for server-specific commands.


Queue Control Commands

Here Are the Queue Control commands for the Uzox Discord Bot:

Queue: Displays the current queue of tracks.

Remove: Eliminates a specific track from the queue based on its position.

Skipto: Jumps to a particular track’s position in the queue.

Loop: Enables looping of the current track or the entire queue.

Move: Shifts a track from one queue position to another.

Previous: Initiates playback of the previous track in the queue.

Jump: Instantly navigates to a chosen track in the queue without removing any tracks in between.

Rmdp: Cleans your queue by removing any duplicate songs.


Fun Commands

Here’s the list of fun commands for the Uzox Discord Bot:

Avatar: Retrieves the avatar of a mentioned user; displays your own avatar if no one is tagged.

Aww: Displays adorable pictures from a curated collection.

Meme: Presents amusing Reddit memes (Note: Some might be NSFW).

Serverav: Reveals the server’s icon.

Corona: Provides COVID-19 statistics globally or for a specified country.

Invite: Brings Uzox Bot to your server by generating an invitation.

Vote: Supports Uzox’s growth by casting a vote.

About: It gives you the information about the Uzox Bot.


Saved Queues Commands

Explore the wide range of commands for managing Saved Queues with the Uzox Bot:

SQ add: Store a queue in your personal collection.

SQ lq: Display a list of your saved queues.

SQ list: View the contents of a specific saved queue.

SQ play: Initiate playback of an entire saved queue.

SQ delete: Remove a saved queue from your collection.


Moderation Commands

Here are the moderation commands for the Uzox Discord Bot:

Kick: Used to kick a mentioned member from the server.

Ban: Allows you to ban a mentioned member, removing them from the server.

Unban: Used to unban a user by their account tag.

That’s it! These commands will help you to Use Uzox music bot effectively. Additionally, Incorporating these commands into your server will enhance your music experience, assist in moderation tasks, and provide customization options. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Can Uzox play YouTube music?

Answer: Uzox can play YouTube music and offers reliable playback of various sources such as YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Twitch live streams, along with free access to music filters.

Q.2 Can Discord bots be fake?

Answer: If you receive unsolicited Direct Messages from bots offering products or requesting actions, they’re likely scams. Legitimate Discord bots, like the ones created by the platform, won’t provide free products.

Q.3 What is the use of Uzox?

Answer: Uzox is a versatile Discord music bot allowing you to play or skip tracks seamlessly. It supports various platforms like Spotify and YouTube and offers 24/7 availability, music filters, and platform integration. Plus, it’s customizable and offers premium features for free.

Q.4 Is UZOX free?

Answer: UZOX is a high quality and lag-free music bot with numerous features at no cost, making it suitable for your daily music needs.




Having familiarized yourself with the Uzox Discord bot and completed the setup, you can now enjoy uninterrupted music playback. Utilize Uzox bot commands to tailor your music experience. If any uncertainties arise or setup assistance is required, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Should you have further inquiries, please ask in the comment section below. 

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