The MEE6 bot offers a wide range of features such as creating custom commands, leveling roles and XP, Moderation, making announcements, visual music player, and much more. All these features help a discord owner greater help in handling their increasing audience and keep them engaged in the server.
There are times when some arguments lead to heated debates in the server ruining the experience of the other users in the server, in that case, the MEE6 bot helps to moderate the server by muting, kicking, or banning the user based on the rules by the server owner. This greatly helps to maintain the quality of the discord server.
The content creator uses the MEE6 bot to integrate various platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, Reddit, etc with their discord server so whenever they post a new content the MEE6 bot shares the content to the users in the server, in other words, it acts as an automated social sharing bot.
The other benefit the MEE6 bot offers is the visual player unlike the other music player bot such as groovy or rhythm where the user has to put in various commands to play, resume, skip, queue, and other many functions which the MEE6 bot can provide simply with their visual music player.
To keep the users engaged in the server the MEE6 bot offers a leveling system through which users can unlock ranks whenever they level up in the server. Also, another great time passes feature MEE6 bot offers is the music quiz feature which comes with their visual music player.
You can also use Mee6 to set up birthday announcements for your discord members. If you don’t like the Mee6 birthday setup, you can check out Birthday Bot, which is explicitly made for birthday celebrations.
How to add mee6 bot to discord?
Setting up the MEE6 bot is pretty much the same as adding any other bot to your discord server.
STEP 1: Go to the official website of the MEE6 bot. You can either search for “MEE6 bot” on google or you can go directly to their official website which is –
STEP 2: When you are on the official website of the MEE6 bot, then you can click on the pink button that says “Add to Discord” or you can also click on “Add to Discord” on the upper left corner. This will invite the MEE6 bot to your server.
STEP 3: So when you click on the “Add to Discord”, then it will ask you to sign in to your discord account. When you have signed in or you are already signed in to the discord then you will have to select the discord server to which you want to add the groovy bot.
STEP 4: After you have selected the server to which you want to add the groovy bot then it will ask you for permission access. It will automatically have administrator access, you can untick the administrator access if you don’t want the bot to have complete access to your server. Then select the Authorize button.
The MEE6 bot is added successfully to your discord server !! You will be able to see the groovy bot confirmation message on the right sidebar
Features of MEE6 Bot Discord
Create Custom Command
In the MEE6 dashboard, you can easily create your custom commands for various purposes such as removing roles, sending messages in the discord channel, or sending personal messages as DM, and similarly, for many more features you can create the custom command.
Welcome New User
The MEE6 bot offers the facility to welcome the new user. It can inform the new user about the server rules, information about each channel, ongoing or upcoming event information, or information about some important topic related to the discord community. Also, the MEE6 bot can provide roles to the new user right after they have joined the discord server, or simply give them a warm welcome.
Leveling Roles
The leveling system in MEE6 offers the feature to rank the users based on activity in the community. The MEE6 bot can reward the user based on how active the user is in the community. The MEE6 bot can reward the most active members with access to exclusive channels and privileged permissions in the server. You can create custom ranks for the user, so as the user levels up based on their performance they can achieve a customizable rank card and they can show off on the leaderboard.
The MEE6 bot offers an easy-to-use moderation system. The moderation system allows server owners to protect their servers from spammy links, heated debates, unwanted ads, excessive emojis, and many more. With the moderation system, the server owner can automate actions such as muting, banning and unbanning, kicking, etc if they act against the certain rules that you can set.
With the moderation feature, you can keep track of what’s happening in your server by setting up a private channel where you and other privileged users who have access to the private channel will be notified whenever someone is kicked, banned, muted, etc the server.
The moderation helps to maintain the quality of the server and reduce the manual task.
MEE6 Bot Moderator Commands
!ban – Bans the user from the server
!tempban – Temporarily bans a user from the server
!clear – Delete the message based on specific rules
!infractions – Display the number of infraction by the user
!kick – Kicks a user from the server
!mute – Mutes the user on the server
!tempmute – Temporarily mutes the user on the server
!role-info – Provide information about the specific role
!server-info – Provide information about the current server
!slowmode – Enables or Disables slowmode
!unban – Unbans a user from the server
!unmute – Unmutes a user on the server
!user-info – Provide information about a particular user
!warn – Warns a user
Making Announcement
This feature of the MEE6 bot tends to be very useful for the content creator. For example, if you have a youtube channel then you can use this bot to notify your server whenever any new video is uploaded. This can be followed by another content creator, whenever your favorite creator begins to stream, upload, or post content you can easily alert the server. This bot allows you to upload alerts for Mixer and Twitch, upload alerts for YouTube, and post alerts for Reddit and Twitter.
Visual Music Player
The MEE6 bot also allows you to play music and manage your playlist with the help of a visual music player dashboard and away from complicated commands for playing the music. In the Visual music player the user can directly search for the specific song, loop the songs, play and pause, next or rewind all with the help of simple visual icons. You can stream the music 24/7 without interruptions. It also allows discord members to vote for a song and also skip the song if they don’t like it. The visual music player can play the song from various sources such as Soundcloud, YouTube, Twitch, and many more. You can also create a music quiz with this feature where the first person to guess the song and artist within the given time earns the point.
MEE6 Bot Music Commands
!play – Plays the Music from the Queue
!search – Search the song
!record – Record the current conversation in a voice channel
!seek – Jump to the specific time in the track
!volume – Increase or decrease the volume by 200%
!add – Add the song in the queue
!queue – List the song present in the queue
!clear-queue – Remove all the songs present in the queue
!skip – Skip the current playing song
!vote-skip – Starts a vote to skip to the next song in the queue
!join – Make the MEE6 bot join the voice channel
!leave – Disconnect the MEE6 bot from the voice channel
!stop – Pause the currently playing song
!start-quiz – Start a music quiz on the discord channel
!stop-quiz – Stops the current music quiz
!stop-recording – Stop the recording and get the link to the audio file.
Some Great Music Bots
Rythm Bot – It is the second largest music bot. It has all features of play, pause, resume, loop, queue, etc. to have fun with music.
Hydra Bot – Hydra is also a great music bot. It will connect to the voice channel and play music same as other music bots. The best thing about Hydra Bot is that you can control the songs and queue with the help of emotes that are present beneath the song thumbnail.
Octave Bot – Octave Bot is maintained by the same team that is running the Dank Memer Bot (one of the largest discord bot). Earlier, Dank Memer contained music feature but later they decide to separate it into a separate music bot (octave bot).
Aayush Kumar Gupta is the founder and creator of ExploringBits, a website dedicated to providing useful content for people passionate about Engineering and Technology. Aayush has completed his Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering) from 2018-2022. From July 2022, Aayush has been working as a full-time Devops Engineer.